Senior High School and Vocational High School
TEMA, meliputi:
Tema Story Telling adalah Cerita Legenda masyarakat Jawa Tengah pada umumnya, yang telah ditentukan sebagai berikut:
1. Legenda Rawa Pening Kab. Semarang.
2. Legenda Gunung Wurung Kebumen.
3. Legenda Kota Magelang.
4. Legenda Kota Semarang (Ki Ageng Pandan Arang).
Sedangkan untuk product presentation adalah mempresentasikan produk pariwisata yang ada di Jawa Tengah secara umum dan Semarang secara khusus, untuk tema adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Kuliner.
2. Objek Wisata.
3. Museum.
4. Kesenian dan Budaya.
A. Story Telling, meliputi:
1. Appearance
2. Attitude
3. Pronunciation
4. Gestures
5. Fluency
6. Efficiency
7. Storyline
8. Mastery of the story
B. Product Presentation, meliputi:
1. Apprearance
2. Attitude
3. Pronunciation
4. Gestures
5. Fluency
6. Efficiency
7. Hospitality
8. Skill to Promote
C. Table Setting, meliputi:
1. Mise en Place:
1. Grooming
2. Uniform
3. Preparation
2. Table Set Up:
1. Accuracy of Equipment
2. Speed
3. Neatness
4. Cleanliness of Equipment
5. Competence
6. Folding Napkin
3. Interview:
1. Restaurant Knowledge
2. Sequence of Service
D. Making Bed, meliputi:
1. Mise en Place:
1. Grooming
2. Uniform
3. Preparation
2. Making Bed:
1. Laying the Sheet
2. Eficiecy
3. Neatness
4. Stripping
5. Competence
6. Speed
3. Interview:
1. Housekeeping Knowledge
2. Procedure of Make up Room
E. Cake Decoration, meliputi:
1. Mise en Place:
1. Grooming
2. Uniform
3. Preparation
2. Procedure Decoration:
1. Creativity of decoration
2. Technique of decoration
3. Theme of decoration
4. Tidiness of work
5. Competence
6. Speed
7. Color Match
F. Fashion Show Batik
1. Desain Batik
2. Persentase Batik
3. Keserasian
4. Teknik Panggung
3. Legenda Kota Magelang.
4. Legenda Kota Semarang (Ki Ageng Pandan Arang).
Sedangkan untuk product presentation adalah mempresentasikan produk pariwisata yang ada di Jawa Tengah secara umum dan Semarang secara khusus, untuk tema adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Kuliner.
2. Objek Wisata.
3. Museum.
4. Kesenian dan Budaya.
A. Story Telling, meliputi:
1. Appearance
2. Attitude
3. Pronunciation
4. Gestures
5. Fluency
6. Efficiency
7. Storyline
8. Mastery of the story
B. Product Presentation, meliputi:
1. Apprearance
2. Attitude
3. Pronunciation
4. Gestures
5. Fluency
6. Efficiency
7. Hospitality
8. Skill to Promote
C. Table Setting, meliputi:
1. Mise en Place:
1. Grooming
2. Uniform
3. Preparation
2. Table Set Up:
1. Accuracy of Equipment
2. Speed
3. Neatness
4. Cleanliness of Equipment
5. Competence
6. Folding Napkin
3. Interview:
1. Restaurant Knowledge
2. Sequence of Service
D. Making Bed, meliputi:
1. Mise en Place:
1. Grooming
2. Uniform
3. Preparation
2. Making Bed:
1. Laying the Sheet
2. Eficiecy
3. Neatness
4. Stripping
5. Competence
6. Speed
3. Interview:
1. Housekeeping Knowledge
2. Procedure of Make up Room
E. Cake Decoration, meliputi:
1. Mise en Place:
1. Grooming
2. Uniform
3. Preparation
2. Procedure Decoration:
1. Creativity of decoration
2. Technique of decoration
3. Theme of decoration
4. Tidiness of work
5. Competence
6. Speed
7. Color Match
F. Fashion Show Batik
1. Desain Batik
2. Persentase Batik
3. Keserasian
4. Teknik Panggung